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Maintenance Inspections

Protect your investmetent with a routine maintenance inspection! Regular evaulations of your property will spot issues before they become problems. Many property owners find it hard to make time for checking their properties or do not have the expertise to find certain issues. Having professional eyes on a property regularly will give you a heads up and give you time to plan in advance for proper repairs needing to be made.


Our inspections are a fact-finding mission. To document and assess issues as much as basic testing will allow. We will also include an estimate for work needed that was found on the inspection. 



What does an inspection entail?

There's a balance between being thorough and being pedantic. We cannot possibly inspect every item at a property with the detail we'd all like to do and manage the hourly cost to make the inspection cost effective. We offer three levels of inspection and offer different options for timeframe and each have their own price point to fit your needs and your budget. 




Basic, Essential, and Premium.




Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annual Inspections.



So which product is best for your needs? Let's take a look?


For Basic option we offer a 60 point inspection. This includes: grounds, exterior, interior, appliances, leaks, fire and safety items, and more.


For Essential we have more inspection points per item and also more detailed summary reports.


For Premium we have even more detail and precision in our inspection. 


With all inspections you will recieve a summary report highlighting all issues, notes and comments, and suggestions. We also provide an estimate for work we can do.






For our initial inspection, we recommend an annual inspection to be done first. This sets the pace and allows us to be as detailed as possible. While the cost is more upfront on an annual inspection, it allows us to catch more things early and gives us a starting point to begin with a fresh start.


Our pricing is based on the size of your property, the level of inspection you choose, and the time it will take to do the inspection properly. we provide free estimates on our inspetctions as well as any projects you desire.











While inspections do catch the majority of routine, and sometimes big, issues- we cannot guarantee everything will be found. Some areas are inaccessable, some are covered up, some seem fine at the time and would've required a special tool outside the scope of the inspection. Our inspections are more than a "walk-through" but should not be used in lieu of a proper home inspection by a license home inspector for the purpose of real estate evaluation. Our inspections are for routine investigation of one's property for damage and issue prevention to save future service calls where possible. Please contact your realtor for more information for home inspections for the purpose of sales or insurance.

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